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BKM Marketing | Becoming an Expert Pivoter

Written by BKM Marketing Associates | Aug 18, 2022

About 1.3 million businesses closed their doors in the first three quarters of 2021. As the pandemic lingers, new problems emerge and old ways of thinking become obsolete, organizations that don’t become experts at pivoting to rapidly changing business conditions might find themselves doing the same.

We must adapt and pivot.

Although few leaders were immune to the disruption of the pandemic, many who adapted and innovated managed to persevere in spite of it. In the process, they gave others blueprints for surviving and even thriving during new crises.

In the following article, BKM’s Bruce McMeekin, shares 3 invaluable lessons learned over the past two years:

  1. Think about the attitude you wish to convey. A positive mindset is perhaps the most essential trait shared by leaders who successfully navigated the pandemic and subsequent challenges.
  2. Give your stakeholders a sense of control. Both your team and your customers feel a loss of control during crises. To counterbalance that, give them something they can control. For example, have a plan to assign constructive tasks to your management team, and ask them to involve their team members in completing those tasks. 
  3. Adapt your services to meet customers’ needs. It’s critical to find new ways to meet customers’ needs and maintain the relationships that are essential to your long-term success. During the pandemic, many companies did this by focusing relentlessly on listening and adapting their services. When new crises hit, that focus will be even more important.

The full article goes into more detail about each of the above lessons.


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