BKM Marketing Perspectives | Marketing Blog

AI Revolution | #1 Revolutionizing Direct Mail with Artificial Intelligence

Written by BKM Marketing Associates | Sep 13, 2023

"From the Desk of AI" Blog Series

It is no surprise that "Artificial Intelligence," "AI," and "ChatGPT" have become common topics of discussion in your marketing meetings, brainstorming sessions, and strategy planning sessions over the past few months. These buzzwords are constantly being thrown around, making it challenging to understand their true meaning and how they can impact your business. In the coming weeks, our evolving series of blogs aims to provide clarity by exploring the pros and cons of tools like ChatGPT, how you can effectively utilize them as resources, and what you truly need to know about AI amidst the overwhelming marketing chatter.

In our first blog series, "From the Desk of AI," we start with a simple approach. We will showcase the exact prompt we provided to ChatGPT for a relevant marketing topic and the corresponding output it generated. We will then analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and neutral aspects of the ChatGPT response. This analysis will highlight how ChatGPT can be a valuable asset for expediting content creation while also addressing the potential risks it poses to your business and its reputation. For instance, you may have heard about Vanderbilt University's Dean's email regarding the MSU mass shooting, which concluded with the phrase "Paraphrase from OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, February 15, 2023"... Need we say more?

To kick off our "From the Desk of AI" series, we delve into the highly relevant topic of "AI Revolution: Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing."


From the Desk of AI | Blog Series #1

Revolutionizing Direct Mail Marketing with Artificial Intelligence: Strategies and Success Stories


Write a blog post article titled "Revolutionizing Direct Mail Marketing with Artificial Intelligence: Strategies and Success Stories"


In today's digital age, it's easy to overlook the power of traditional marketing channels like direct mail. However, with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), direct mail marketing is experiencing a revolution. AI is transforming the way businesses approach direct mail campaigns, making them more targeted, personalized, and effective than ever before. In this article, we will explore the strategies and success stories of how AI is revolutionizing direct mail marketing.

One of the key ways AI is revolutionizing direct mail marketing is through data analysis and predictive modeling. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of customer data, including demographics, purchase history, and online behavior, to identify patterns and predict customer preferences. This allows businesses to create highly personalized direct mail campaigns that resonate with individual customers. For example, a clothing retailer can use AI to analyze a customer's past purchases and browsing history to send them a direct mail catalog featuring items they are likely to be interested in. This level of personalization increases the chances of engagement and conversion, ultimately driving sales.

Another strategy that AI enables in direct mail marketing is dynamic content generation. With AI-powered tools, businesses can automatically generate personalized content for each recipient based on their preferences and behavior. This means that every direct mail piece can be tailored to the individual customer, increasing the relevance and impact of the message. For instance, a travel agency can use AI to create personalized travel itineraries for each customer, showcasing destinations and activities that align with their interests. This level of customization not only grabs the recipient's attention but also enhances their experience with the brand.

AI also plays a crucial role in optimizing direct mail campaigns. By analyzing response rates, conversion rates, and other performance metrics, AI algorithms can identify the most effective strategies and continuously refine the campaign. This allows businesses to make data-driven decisions and allocate resources more efficiently. For example, AI can analyze which types of direct mail offers or designs are generating the highest response rates and adjust future campaigns accordingly. This iterative approach ensures that direct mail campaigns are constantly improving and delivering maximum ROI.

Now, let's explore some success stories of how AI is revolutionizing direct mail marketing. One notable example is the case of a luxury car manufacturer that used AI to enhance their direct mail campaigns. By analyzing customer data and preferences, they were able to create personalized direct mail pieces that showcased different car models and features based on each recipient's preferences. This highly targeted approach resulted in a significant increase in response rates and ultimately led to a boost in car sales.

Another success story comes from a subscription box service that used AI to optimize their direct mail campaigns. By analyzing customer data and purchase history, they were able to identify the most effective direct mail offers and designs for different customer segments. This allowed them to send highly targeted direct mail pieces that resonated with each customer, resulting in a substantial increase in subscription sign-ups.

In conclusion, AI is revolutionizing direct mail marketing by enabling data-driven personalization, dynamic content generation, and campaign optimization. By leveraging AI algorithms and tools, businesses can create highly targeted and personalized direct mail campaigns that drive engagement, conversion, and sales. The success stories of luxury car manufacturers and subscription box services demonstrate the power of AI in transforming direct mail marketing. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative strategies and success stories in the world of direct mail marketing.



BKM Marketing Thoughts + Findings


Loss of Human Touch

From the very beginning, all the way to the "in conclusion", the article maintains an overly professional, robotic tone. Such writing style is often too formal and lacking of a personal touch. This can make it challenging to connect with the author and may not incite a strong desire to continue reading.

Too Convoluted + Wordy

The complex and lengthy sentences in the content make it difficult to follow. To improve clarity, it is necessary to simplify the language, shorten the sentences, and employ grammatical and stylistic techniques to enhance digestibility. Otherwise, the article can become more confusing and convoluted than necessary.

Not Scannable

The absence of headers, callouts, and stylistic elements in the article hampers its scannability, resulting in a lack of distinction between different sections. When quickly reviewing the article, it becomes difficult to identify which paragraph introduced luxury cars as an example or what topic was covered in each section/paragraph. Without having to reread sections of the article, it becomes challenging to do so.

Unclear Identification of Examples

The examples, such as luxury cars, were not clearly indicated, resulting in a lack of connection between the topic of each section and the example. This lack of clarity makes it difficult for the examples to be memorable or relatable to the reader.

Additionally, the lack of specific brand names and supporting information in the examples undermines their credibility, as it becomes difficult to fact-check or further investigate. This absence of specific or supporting details diminishes the credibility of the examples provided.

Not Personalized/Curated

The examples mentioned earlier posed a challenge for us as they were not aligned with BKM Marketing's target audience. Use cases like travel agencies, luxury car manufacturers, and clothing retailers do not resonate with our audience, resulting in an irrelevant or confusing experience that may discourage potential leads and confuse existing ones.


The use of ChatGPT was incredibly helpful in quickly providing an outline for approaching the article. It offered a clear breakdown of introductory content, distinct sections covering different topics, and included examples, culminating in a conclusive summary.

Although the article may have come across as overly robotic and lacked relevant examples, it did lay a solid foundation for us to create a personalized and tailored piece.

In our view, the greatest advantage of this experience is that it effectively helps overcome writer's block and provides a starting point to work from.



Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts in the "From the Desk of AI" series, where we will delve into various topics such as AI in SEO, ethical considerations in AI-driven marketing, and the rise of voice search and AI assistants. Remember to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest insights and expert advice on leveraging AI in your digital marketing efforts.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploring the power of AI in transforming the marketing landscape.